Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Okay...It's Been A While

okay...sooooo my bad for not posting in a while. What has it been...since june? My bad! Okay So much to talk about. Forewarning this will probably be my longest post in...ever! Okay let's start off with...fair, since I'm thinking about it.

Okay fair. I got two blues (1st) and two whites (3rds). What on? The blues I got on my cross-stitching (a calico cat covered in folige) and my model of a late 28 early 29 model A Phaton. Pretty sure I spelled that wrong. I dont' have any pics of it so you'll have to look it up yourself. Okay...thirds. Both were drawings. One was a black and white drawing of the earth with a banner going across that said Go Green. And around the earth was a daisy ring. What sucks is I couldnt' hear the judge to see why I was getting a third on that picture. The other picture was a copywrited picture of a barn owl. The reason I got a third on that one is because I forgot to put the picture I was copying from on the back. Otherwise I might've had three firsts. that that's out of the way...time to talk about State Fair. Okay so I went with Arial and West. Arial's bunny basket went there...I'm sure she'll talk about it. Also we had to perform our play there. (West was not apart of it) Of course what sucked is that I had to play a part I totally wasn't prepared for, because the person playing it wasn't gonna make it. Oh I should prolly say what the play was about...that WOULD help. The play was a 4-H Emergency...basically a medical play. It was really stupid and sucked. There was no way we could play any of it up...well Arial found a way. And I was going to but I kept on missing my parts which was pissing me off.

Okay, now the story. Freakin' A we wanted to publish it this summer. But because we were all busy, there was NO let me repeat NO possible way to even TRY and proof read it. I mean's Arial's responsibility, because well...she signed up for it. But it's my responsibilty to make the book last a little bit longer then a few weeks. And I like it when Arial and I get together with my calenders and try and make it work out. I'm so glad I save calenders...I may be a dork, but at least I'm a smart dork...always looking ahead. (Yeah I know I totally didn't I'm just the dork that saves calenders) But anywho! I got to redrafting...I think it was ch. 10...totally need to get to work on this. I'm trying to see if I can combine some things....move some other things...make these things make sense. Oh it's a nightmare! Arial! We need another sleepover...we need to get these things done with your insomnia! We could get soooo much done!, parents? I think. My mom's being mean...well when isn't she really? She's starting to yell at me for no aparent reason again. Like I forgot to move a bucket a couple weeks ago. She flipped. I'm just like oops...I meant to move, but I forgot someone called. Of course she says that that's not an always (eye roll), and she says I need better excuses or no she said I need actual excuses. And I'm just um, okay. You only say everyother word that comes out of my mouth is an excuse. So I don't know why I even try anymore. (sigh) I think I need a shrink.

Continueing off that last paragraph...I want a shrink. Yeah Yeah well remember I'm the crazy person that saves calenders for no apparent reason. I think it would help. Honestly I do. But if I bring it up to mom she'll be all like why do you need a shrink? Why dont' you just talk to us. And that's where I go yeah um...if I talk to you you YELL AT ME! basically a no win situation...gotta love those.

High Speed. Totally just got it and am LOVING it! Sooo much faster then dial up, and I can actually go on youtube and watch videos right more waiting five hours for a minute video to load. Loving it!

My deilma (I know I didnt' spell it right). Kay, so this guy moved in next door. And he's really cute. Sad thing is...I know his entire work scheduale. Funny thing is...Arial's pissed cause she's never scene him, but West and Bookworm has. she has no idea Bookworms sceen him yet! I want to talk to him, but I'm too scared to. Ermit's making fun of me because last year i was making fun of Arial for not being able to talk to Joe. It was great...but what goes around comes around. It's a shitty world, but we all gotta get over that some time in our lives.

Senior Pics. I totally got my senior pics and I'm syked. Cause my grandpa let me use his '65 Mustang! It was fun and those are probably the one's I'm gonna use. ha ha ha be jealus Arial be extremely jealus. Of course Arial and West don't want to do senior pics. I'm not sure what Arial's problem is but West thinks she's fat. She's like 5' 7" and 120 lbs. Tell that fat? Cause I don't. I'm an inch shorter and about 44 lbs heavier. so...she shouldn't be complaining. But thinks that's it to talk about. Yup pretty sure that's it...well then ttul!
