Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I'm talking to Arial on the phone right now. and she's lost...in a small town. Well, I don't know what she's doing, but it's hilarious. She's giving me a commentary. And is now in pain. I'm trying to find her on map quest. Not working to well. Oh no...looks like she's stuck in the middle of highway 69 with cars driving on both sides of the street. At least she made it across the street, while nearly getting hit by a truck. Yea! She's almost to her destination. And plaugeing me with complaints about her toe, and her hurts. Man! She has guts! She's enjoying playing Frogger with the cars, and people are looking at her weird. And she made it!

Friday, April 25, 2008


Why is gym class so dangerous? And why do gym teachers hate it when you call gym... well gym? I don't know about your gym class, but I think mine is pretty dangerous. Well...at least the game we were playing is. I'm sure tons of you have played Mat Kickball right? Well I have to. And I've never gotten hurt before. Until Wednesday. I think I sprained my ankel going after the ball. But that's nothing compared to the awsome out I helped with. The ball was 1 in. from the ground or close to 1 in. off the ground. When it hit's the toe of my shoe, and bounces off going towards one of my friends who was injured at the time. The amazing thing is...she caught it! Well...it was amazing to me.

Well gtg
gotta change for work. :P

Oh. P.S. Some of my friends might be posting on here every once in a while. I think they're posting as Arial and Alex West, but I'm not sure. Don't take my word for it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Man it's getting warm out. I mean I like the warmth and all, but when I have to walk a mile everyday from school to my halfway point from school to home...with a heavy backpack on my back, and my coat slung over my arm. It gets alittle hot, and irritating. My goodness it's just getting alittle too unbearable. I want rain but my parents are just like be happy it's warm. Bleh!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Why is 4-H so stressful? I'm doing a bunch of projects and combinded it's gonna cost me more then a car. Why? Why does it have to cost so much?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Well I guess since this is my first blog. I should proly tell you about myself. I live in town. I'm in high school. I have a little sister. We have one cat a dog and alot of fish. My dad works at Turner Hall of Funroe, and my mom works at Triangle Trucking. I like to ride my bike, and play tennis for fun. Um...I guess that's about it. Besides me being sick today. I have to go to school tomorrow so.... not really happy bout that. Um...my friends and I are going to try and publish a book I've been writing over the school year during the summer. I think that's about it. I'll try to blog tomorrow or later tonight.
