Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Have you ever had a threat? No seriously have you? Well, I have recently...twice, actually my entire school was threatened...twice within the month. I wasn't there the first time...I was the second time...it was scary. Bomb threats are serious things...I've gone through one already. It wasn't all fun and games...it's serious business. It's a really scary thing to happen. The first time it happened I was up in Madison looking at colleges...the second time I was actually at school. It was frightening...you may say you would never freak if it actually happened at your school. That's what I had thought...I could be tough I wouldn't freak...I was close to crying that day. I would have retaken the tour through MATC over what I had gone through a few days ago. It's not all fun and games...the Middle School may have though so...of course the idiots couldn't do it near the end of the day since the reason THEY did it was to get out of school early *eye roll* it's not funny...it's scary. Especially since this is the age of knowledge. You could look up how to make a highly explosive bomb on the internet and it would tell you exactly how to construct it and how to set it off. I've never actually looked it up, but the internet has everything...look up your name as a website...I bet it's there. Take things seriously...you almost have to be on the defensive every day now-a-days. My thinks I think the threats are jokes...I was scared out of my mind today at school. It's not fun...if you know something like that is happening at your school...don't just sit there and do nothing...report it you might save some lives. That's all I have for now. ttul


P.S. my computer's fixed! I just lost everything, but other than that i don't have to use the librarys computers anymore!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

So...my computer blew up

yeah...so I would have been blogging earlier this month but...my computer died. Yup no idea how but it did. Well okay technically it didn't blow up, Arial and I took it into the computer shop so it could get updated. And updated it is becoming, considering we took it in on Thursday and we won't get it back until monday. Which sucks...so you might be wondering how I'm blogging. Well I'm not at Arial's house...I'm at the library. Oh yeah and Facklamb is sitting not but four feet away from me on another computer looking at her myspace...no she doesn't have a facebook. her brother is at this one lego club thingie that's going on up stairs...yeah so...i don't have much else to report...except for that we almost lost everything on the computer...that includes my story. At least i don't think we lost it...yet. Thankfully i printed it out...all two hundered pages...except there's one problem. West has it and won't give it back XP she's being a jerk and I can't get a hold of her at the moment. So if I lose all of the story i'm gonna be P.O'd...well I'm gonna go now...gotta check all my other stuff (fun fun) ttul!
