Monday, June 28, 2010

So Sad :(

soooooo...obviously I'm safe and the tornado never came :P course I could've said that a little sooner for my invisible followers. So Sweetie and I are trying to figure out what we're going to do for 2 weeks while I'm on vacation. We can't talk on the phone and we won't be able to text alot when I'm sight seeing or my mom will get really pissed. :( And I have to make sure to pay attention to my cousins or I'll get hell for that too. I'm just not gonna win :(

Well I also found out that Sweetie won't be moving up to Madison with me :( It's just too impossible right now. So idk what's going to happen. And I'm worried about him :( he's got so much stress right now, and he can't find a job. :( And I'm just a little annoyed because of my aunt. She says that I shouldn't set my heart on him because of some of the stories I told her. She thinks he'll treat me the way he treats his mom which I know he won't because he's a complete and absolute sweetheart. And he knows I would've left by now if he was an ass. He knows I dont' stand for people like that. Kinda wish my aunt would stay out of my business X( but oh well I only have to spend 2 weeks with her...which I guess isn't even two weeks at the moment anyways because we're leaving early wedensday morning and coming back on the 9th...idk. I'll miss my Sweetie from here to the moon and back again :( I love you so much Sweetie. Hugs and Kisses!


Monday, June 21, 2010


So my mom's giving me a lecture on how my bf and I are too "intimate" in public. I don't see it but oh well. She says I shouldn't have leaned against him at my party. I needed something to lean against when I didn't have the back of the chair...brb tornado warning. soooo i'll update this later...gotta go secure things just in case :(


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Graduation Party

STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all that needs to be said on the Nah just sitting here with my dork friend Aarons girl. She told me of her expierence in a grocery store where she met my boyfriend and my's future kid lol. It was a very scary story. So we got three picture boards done and tomorrow we'll prolly work on decorations...might take her shopping tonight so she can help me lol. Yay I get to spend another paycheck on this crap :P oh well...well now Aarons girl and I are sitting in my living room and she's reading Sweetie's birthday present...I'd tell you what it is but idk when Sweetie will read this blog XD lol but yeah...I'm gonna go and see what else we can do until I get a car and we can go to Taco Bell yay! lol
