Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I haven't been on here in a while. Mainly because I forgot about it and another reason would be that I just felt like I haven't needed to post anything. Anywho, I'm on here now, mainly because I feel I need to vent and can't proofread my book like I want to. *Time to catch up* I have a daughter who is going to be a year and a half within the next 20 days. She's talking, walking, running, and all out into everything...next item on agenda, New Years was last night and was awesome. Don't think I've stayed up that long in a while, and it was good to catch up with friends, even if a few didn't show up. I'm seeing an amazing guy, who treats me and my daughter with the respect we deserve. My boyfriend and I are looking at buying a house. I'm going to be going back to school in roughly 2 weeks. Well, I think that caught everyone up to speed. Oh, I'm not with previously mentioned boyfriend in older posts, if you're a follower that's been reading my blogs, but if not my ex kicked me and my daughter out last year the day before my sisters birthday. NOW we're caught up. So, what's my reasoning for coming on? I'm not exactly sure, I was watching a show...well bits and pieces of a show, and I'm not even sure what the show is called. All I know is that there's four women, all in their own situations and what not, and apparently one of the girls started chemo therapy and started loosing her hair. And she thought everyone was looking at her weird because she shaved her head (which everyone WAS looking at her weird), and I'm not sure...I started tearing up. And nothing that I know of is happening to me that even pertains closly to having cancer. Sure I think about my daughter and what I would do if somethign happened to her (which involves a LOT of crying on my part). And then, I have my grandma, who isn't doing very well since my grandpa died earlier of 2012. My cousins have been moneyhungry people, that don't know when enough is enough. My daughter just woke up, when she is supposed to be asleep. I don't have a lot of money and I'm going to be reducing my hours because I'm going to be starting school. I've gotten my second to last warning before I'm terminated from my job because I'm not "Upselling" (giving sale items to customers over the phone, but only if they qualify). Not being able to pay for daycare, and for myself. Having to depend on my boyfriend and the government and my parents for the support I need. I'm an independant person, and I enjoy having my independance. But I'm busier than I would like and I don't have time to take care of things like I would like to. I'm living with my parents and I'm the only one who is cleaning and maintaining the house. My parents are too busy with all of their side jobs because they are barely making it as is (and that's without government help). Looks like I have to cut my rant short since, my daughter is insisting on staying up and no amount of coaxing is going to put her to bed. Ugh! -_- Oh well, I love the little darling to pieces and watch, by the time this whole thing is published she'll have fallen to sleep, and I'll be cursing myself for not finishing my blog, because I have much more to talk about. I feel like constantly crying for some reason and I just can't figure it out, and I don't have a lot of people I can talk to...well I mean I do, but there's just never an opportunity to actually talk to them in the seriousness of context that the conversation would need. Alright, well, she doesn't seem to want to go to bed, so I'll be going to bed and hope she follows suit as well. Good night everyone and...wait a second did she just go to sleep? I hate my babymoniter it can be so staticky sometimes. And nope she's not so I shall bid a good night until probably tomorrow where I hope to finish my train of thoughts.

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