Saturday, May 16, 2009

Prom prolly should talk about that shouldn't I? Totally meant to...when I got the pictures on the computer. But I've been afraid to put them on because my programs may or may not have been put back onto this computer. Which will suck if they weren't. And I shall kill the ppl who updated the damn computer a few months back. I should prolly get that checked out...just a sec I'm gonna get my camera and find out. I'm gonna put the pics of my hair up on it...and we shall see what Arial's reaction to it is. Oh and since she prolly didn't know about this when she blogged so I'm gonna say it for her...and West.
We're gonna be creating a band called...Brompton Cocktail. Yeah like the song by Avenged Sevenfold. Only reason...Arial wants stage names. Arial shall be Arial Suicide. I am Falcon Massacre. And West is yet undecided...yet she is writing our songs. Hopefully they're school appropriate.

Anywho...these are the pics...which I am now currently waiting for them to download...damn dial up. We're supposedly getting wireless soon. I hope. Damn not letting me get them. Kay lets try at a time this time. Damn printer! It's kinda out of ink. Oh yeah! he he he...front view....let's see what comes up next.

Ha ha side view!

And back view...
He he and other side...feel free to give her compliments...she enjoys them :D

Well...I shall talk to ya'll later...casue I need to kinda finish my fair's in two months Yikes! well ttul!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

well it's been awhile

sooooo it's been forever. well not forever because forever is forever. yeah anywho, I've got updates for everyone for instance........

sooner or later I will be posting our story (the first couple chapters for now) on one of the writing sites that I belong to. Since Falcon has been promoting I decided I might as well do my part so that's what I'm going to do. The site is but you need an account to read the story. but don't be in a major hurry to get over there because I can't put it on there today or tomorrow because I'm going to be out of town. but who knows. I might be home long enough later today or tomorrow to post it. either way, if you want to read it, you'll have to go to story search and type in my user name and then under search criteria or whatever go to user name. which means you need to know my user's LifeLovesMusic. I may be changing it in the near future but if I do I'll be sure to post it here.

Other news, I'm getting my hair cut today...don't know what. My mother wants it short but I said either I'm shaving it or it's at least shoulder length. she shook her head and walked away. not like I care. If she isn't in the same room, then she can't yell at me...sooo that's actually all I have to say on the subject.

ummmm well I know there had been a lot going on but I can't remember what else.....OH YEAH!

I'm still sick! It sucks and I've probably missed more school than people who skip. I'm not really surprised but my stomach is killing me. the throwing up hasn't been happening as much but it feels like I got kicked in the stomach a few hundred times and I'm not exaggerating. It really does hurt. for instance I'll be walking down the hallway and I'll stop all of a sudden and curl up in a little ball crying my eyes out. GGGAAAAAAAA I feel like a pregnant woman. Which, by the way, I'M NOT!!!!!! stupid doctors thought I was and then I was just like "yeah I'm pregnant. my name is Mary and I shall name my baby Jesus!" lol I'd prolly end up nameing is Johnny. so it'd be Johnny Christ. like the bassist for Avenged Sevenfold. I really do love that band (all their stuff). I've been busy on all my sick days sleeping but in the evenings, I've been downloading their music. If you haven't listened, please do so. although I must say, if you listen to their first album and then the most recent, they sound nothing alike. after all, most of the first album (as in almost all) was screamo will a little singing. the next album had a little less then a drastic drop and now there isn't any at all. okay I take that back. The drummer is screaming on some of the recent songs. Which is hilarious because their drummer is seriously crazy...ok I've gone way past my point.....sickness!!! sucks. that's about all though. The doctors still don't have a clue as to what is wrong but they don't seem to have a problem giving me a bunch of meds. grr grrr grrrrrrrrrrr but just so we're clear, I'm am not, by any means, prego!

moving on...again....I have no idea what I was going to say..................................oh yes I do!!!!!

PROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't go...haha in your face losers!!!!!!! yeah a lot of my friends were trying to get me to was my brother...anywho, I did do Falcons hair, like I promised her. She looked amazing. haha I loved it. yeah but if you want more details that would be up to Falcon...I'm actually surprised she didn't do a blog on it.....hmmm. She prolly will now that I'm reminding her...

ummmmmmmm great here we go..again...And now I'm wondering. Just who would I have been. To be the one attached. At all times to your hip? Forget the things we swore we meant. sorry. a little Paramore moment. which is funny. their music used to make me happy (as I mentioned in a previous blog) but now their music is depressing to me. I still listen to it though...ah well. what to do. what to do.

well I believe that is all for now. though like I said, I'll be posting the story on mibba soon. So falcon, I've got that website taken care of. You can find other sites to post it on if you want to. so I guess that's it. I'll talk to all ya'll in the probably not so near future!!!...darn memory loss

Song of the Day: Brompton Cocktail - Avenged Sevenfold

the song of the day is actually the name of Arial's band in the book I'm writing soooo yeah!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Not Much To Report

So...havn't blogged in a while. Arial, West and I are trying to finish proof reading the first book...which is really frustrating...which reminds me i gotta change West's sibling names to lucas and victoria. Yeah really didn't change much but...had to change them none the less. Yeah...and then West and I are busy writing inserts for the second and third books. Thankfully there's only gonna be three. Really I don't have much to report...that's kinda sad cause I normally do. Well if you want to read an excert from the first book I got part of it on hopefully that takes you to it. Other wise go to and look up Falcon. That should get you to it...I don't think you'll have to create an account but if you do...that's the only place I got it at the moment so bare with me while i look into creating other accounts. Well I should prolly get to my "homework" ttul!
