Monday, June 1, 2009


So...yesterday I went to an airshow with West. And guess what? Well It's got somethign to do with teh title of this post. Yup I got burned, but guess what...only one arm got burned...crap, just a sec i gotta put more gel on my arm, it's starting to burn again.
Okay I'm back...I feel sooooo refreshed now. Okay now it's actually quite interesting as to how only ONE freakin' arm burned. Okay so West, me, her lil' brother, and her dad all went to the Janesville air show, we then found seats and sat down. West took the suntan lotion and put it on her arms then offered it to me. I said I didnt' need it cause I don't burn easily. (ha ha...never saying that again) she said okay then gave the lotion back to her dad. We then watched the show for up to three hours before I look back at my arm and gasp, saying "My arms burned to a crisp!" I then realized that I should have put the suntan lotion on that arm because the sun was closer to it then my other arm. My other arm got a nice tan.
And then today at school, everyone had to look at my arm that was "as red as live coals" as some of my friends put it. One of wait it was West, as soon as she saw me she clapped me on my burn, she immediately regretted it. But she got to the otherside of the room before I could pound her. It was actually kinda funny today, because the gel I put on my arm was cracking, and everybody thought it was my skin. It took forever to explain, but I was finally able to. I actually found out that as the burn heals it just flakes off. But if you try and peel it off of the burn it burns like crazy! So if anyone gets Aloe Vera gel and puts it on their burns...don't peel it off. It's really painful. The only reason I did it was because I was bored out of my mind watching a movie in American Heritage. Oh also Arial, West and I dont' get out of school until the sucks. I shall now leave you all be, and go and do my homework...ttul!


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