Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well school started, and what is kinda cool, is that in my German class one of the grades is to blog. Unfortunantly for me...this blog doesn't count :( It would be awesome cause I mean...hey I would have a freakin' A in that class. But nooo I gotta go onto my teachers site and blog on her blog. Which is okay, cause I mean, you can't get onto this sight at my school. Stupid Dans Gardian.

Anywho, this week was/is homecoming. Yay homecoming! Today was famous person day. I know for a fact we had about three Micheal Jacksons. And I know for a fact I spelled his name wrong. But what was really cool was what Arial dressed up as...Voldemort. It was freaky when she'd close her eyes, cause one of my other we'll call her Smurf, painted her eyelids so taht when she'd close them, she'd have red eyes. Sooooo scary. I'll see if I can get her to put a picture up...oh and yes, she's alive, even tho she hasn't blogged in ages. :D It's great I see her everyday and go "You're alive!"

Okay...other reason I'm blogging. My dreams have GOT to stop plaugeing me the way they are. That and they need to stop taking the plots from the stories I read...geeze! So I'm reading an A7X fanfic (for those of you who don't know what A7X stands for it's Avenged Sevenfold), and in the story the main character found out she's the daughter of M. Shadows or Matt Sanders. Well, I went to bed and guess what my dream was about...I'm freakin' M. Shadows daughter. Creepy I'm not sure, well maybe the fact that I called my mom a slut and my dad was still I refused to call M. Shadows dad...then he came to my school and totally embarressed me to no end.

There was another, oh. It's more of a note to Arial, but she prolly won't read this for a while, not that I care, but okay here it goes.


so I got bored, and I went snooping around my house for a notebook (which I did eventually find) and then I started to write. It's a new story idea...damn phone...okay but West isn't too sure on the idea considering I know NOTHING on the subject. Basically it's gonna take place in our lovely tiny hometown, but there's two gangs (on either side of the tracks). Not quite sure where I was going with that hmm...just a sec. Okay well basically I need help thinking of gang names, and names for the's you me, and west, and anyone else we want. I think I'm putting the boy-next-door-delema into it, but I'm not quite sure yet. I shall think that's it, I'll tell you more at school. maybe, we'll see.

Right now I think I should get on with my German blog...but I have no idea what to blog about...cause I can't say ANYTHING in the language...I can read it fairly well, but I can't speak it. Oh I also found out I have an ear for long as I listen really hard I can actually figure out what they're's pretty cool! Well with this I leave you, and go to torture myself with trying to blog on something I have no idea what to write about. :P


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