Friday, January 22, 2010


So...havn't been on here in forever...sorry :( not that anybody reads this but w/e I'm over it. Well hmmm havn't vented in awhile, or told people what's up in my life. Well actually currently nothings up in my life. I found a nice guy, and we talked for about two months and two days ago, he says he got a girlfriend that day...I wanted to cry my eyes out. But then he goes ahead and says that he still loves me and that him having a girlfriend doesn't change his feelings for me or anything. I just don't know what to do or think.

I have a sophmore that has a crush on me, who wants to be called Snow Leopard. Will it work? Probably not, mainly cuz I think of him as my little brother. And well, yeah, just isn't really gonna work, that and he's my best friends little bro. But yeah...yay talking to him right would really help if he didnt' piss me off a lot. Course one of my friends was saying that if he kept on pissing me off the way he has been then he's not worth it. My arguement to them was that he needs friends and I'm gonna stick by him no matter what. They were all like you're weird and I'm like no I'm persistant and I don't leave my friends hanging. But yeah...I'll leave this paragraph like that.

Um...stories...gotta love them *eye roll* So I'm putting my most recent story up on It's titled "Untitled As Of Yet" or you can look up my username Thalkon Roiy Denn. Basically the stories about two riviling gangs who are trying to get the most turf, in a manatropolis area. (kinda like Chicago) but anywho, the gangs names are The Outkasts (they're the good guys) and Bloodlust (obviously the bad guys) but anywho, everythings all hunky dory then one day one of The Outkasts mysteriously disappears, leaving the rest of teh gang to try and find that person. It's a riviting book (or that's what my friends say) and it keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Kay besides all of those points...finals are finally done...which means Second Semester starts Monday! Yay! not...well it's not that bad I guess...we graduate on May 30th. Okay besides ALL of those points...I havn't started my fair projects oops! And I don't even have a picture picked out yet for teh drawing and painting catagory, I also dont' have a model car picked out and I ALSO havn't started my cross-stitching, mainly because I dont' know the difference between the colors...Off-white and FUCKING EGGSHELL! I mean seriously there isn't a difference between those two colors! Okay...I'm gonna leave everyone with those wonderful thoughts. So, yeah, everyone enjoy there wonderful lives!


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