Sunday, May 25, 2008


Even though mine was 6 days ago...I'd like to hit them up...I mean when you have a birthday your a year older right? right, but do you actually feel a year older or does it just feel like another day? I am now old enough to get my license, but I still feel as if I was 15. Nothing parents still treat me the same, I don't feel any different. It seems as if when you get older you just don't feel like your getting older. Is it because you relize your not a kid anymore? Do you want to still be a kid and remember all the times you could have done something fun but didn't? Is it because you wish you could have done things that you never thought of?


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Arials Sick!!!!!!!

Yes it's the truth she is sick for about the hundreth time this year. She's like sick everyother day. At least she can go to work...until her parents relize she's been getting sick more often since she's started to work again. hmmm....i don't know. Of course we have to work tomorrow. So...she better be in German tomorrow. Hmmm...I'm decideing if I can put more of the story up...I'm not sure...Where's the spiral?!? AHHHH! I CAN NEVER FIND ANYTHING ON THIS DESK! o.k. um...maybe...let's try this.

"...and now is the time to rise up against these so-called vanishing-kids. I will reward you greatly for each one you bring to me. This is the time of no-child-left-behind!" Head Hunter said. "Alive that is," he mumbled under his breath.

Arial stumbled back from the wall as if it tried to bite her ear off. "Time for an emergency leaders meeting," she decided. She ran to her secure laptop and wrote to all the leaders this:

Subject: Emergency Meeting Called By Arial!!!!!

Message: Every leader within Monroe and Browntown limits! Attention! Over heard a Them meeting! Extremely urgent! Must meet at Meeting Circle!


She clicked send, and then came the worst part...waiting.

yeah um...some verifications...a Them is an was listening into the meeting... I think that's it. Well time to go.


Monday, May 5, 2008

How Can I Top That?

O.k....I'm sure we have all relized that my friend Arial is a should I put this....CRAZY!!!!!!! Yeah when we were working Saturday. The dishwasher was broke. So all we could do was rinse the dishes. We have now been informed that the dishwasher should be fixed by Wedensday soooo....that means I have to go in to work Wedensday. Cause that's the only other day that we're both free. yeah sooo...ah stupid chair! We just got a new computer chair, and it's driving me CRAZY! and the mouse won't move all the time. IT LIKES TO STICK IN ONE SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH! Yes! I finally fixed it. I don't know what to talk about. I can't exactly top what Arial did. Well length wise...oh wait yes I can! I can give you an insert from the book that we're writing. Please don't kill me at school Arial!

"Come on! Run!" said the leader of the group of kids. All that answered her were the heavy pants of the kids under her command,, and the heavy baying of dogs that were following them. This group of kids was no different then another group of kids they were all dirty and bedraggled. They we're pale for lack of sun. These kids were outcast.
"We can't shake these dogs! What are we going to do?" shouted one of the kids. Their leader seemed hesitant, but finally decided and said, "Up in the trees we'll make like the squirrels nd birds," all of the kids hurried to trees that they could climb and started to leap from tree to tree towards their hideout.

Yeah well...that's about all I can give cause we might change the rest. Heck....we might change some of that. Well I don't know if I topped Arial's post, but I sure tried.


Saturday, May 3, 2008


wow work what to say about work. maybe the fact that some REALLY odd people work there. like umm Perry. yeah perry is pretty odd. that's a good cd by the way. ya know the one by Panic At The Disco. They're fantabulous! well other people say the cd isn't as good as they're 1st one but oh well i still think it's pretty good. I HATE THE BACK SPACE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm at Falcon's and it's itty bitty. I hate it. that and I look at the keyboard when I type cuz I'm pretty sweet like that. that and my contacts are messed up so I can't see anything. YAY go me! we have to go to work in a couple hours...Falcon and I. and we're listening to the same 2 songs over and over cuz we're trying to download iTunes so that I can give her songs cuz her media player really does Falcon...sorry to let you know....yeah falcon ummm I kinda think you need to write more in your posts cuz they seem wimpy compared to MUA's novel! :) I just found out Falcon's neigbor's cat had diabetes and had to get shots so they put it to sleep cuz they didn't think it would like all the shots....:( sadness :(....we shall now take a moment of silence.....................................................dots..........................................go dots go!..................wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. hehe yeah I'm crazy and I kinda have a nickname cuz of it....again go me!. yes I do have an exclamation point and period. cuz thats how I like to roll. hehe. yes I said it. SHUT UP FALCON I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU SPELL BETTER!!!! at least I have a vision problem when I do it. unlike some of us (Falcon) who do it on a normal basis. randomness is fun. you should try it some time. wow umm anywho, work. who else is working tonight Falcon? (she's standing over my shoulder so if I type it she responds) so the answer is ....."you, me, dad, mom, maybe perry, scott, brenda, tim, timothy, joseph, georgia, gary, anne, dj"...NOOOOO NOT DJ he is soooo slow. and he is in my way with his slowness cuz I wash dishes 20 times faster than him and I know like 20 more people and I've been working there for like 5 weeks (saturdays only) and he's been there for months. maybe I should title this work and randomness cuz well only about 1/12 of this is actually about work. "so hear me when I say hey hey hey JULIET" I like the song juliet by LMNT you should listen to it sometime along with the song peaches by the presidents of the united states of america. yeah I know the name is long but you will have to get over that fact just like you'll have to get over the fact that this is a novel....not a post. oh well. we're writing a novel and if you found any part of this interesting, you'll find the entire book interesting cuz I'm editing!!!! yay and Falcon, me, and West are writing which comes to the question of why is a writer editing??? well that is cuz I'm amazing and Falcon can't spell....and she repeats stuff and say they did something and then continues to say that they are GOING to do it. that doesn't work well but that is why I'm editing....just another question for anyone taking the time to read this, going along with the song Peaches, which came first, the peach or the tree? answer it if you have any ideas, comments, questions, complaints, concerns, CLEAN jokes, or anything you want to take the time to type out..."LOOK OUT!" (listen to the 2 songs in the post and you'll understand some of the quotes.) and seeing that I THINK I don't have anything left to say I shall finish this with saying so long farewell auf wiedersehen goodbye!

~Arial (I'll get an account soon so it won't say falcon after my name)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy May Day!

What's May Day? Well...I'm gonna tell you. Or summurize it. I'll let you check out the web page.

May Day occurs on May 1 and refers to any of several public holidays.[1] In many countries, May Day is synonymous with International Workers' Day, or Labour Day, which celebrates the social and economic achievements of the labor movement. As a day of celebration the holiday has ancient origins, and it can relate to many customs that have survived into modern times. Many of these customs are due to May Day being a cross-quarter day, meaning that it falls approximately halfway between an equinox and a solstice.

If you want more information on May Day cause it peaks your fancey. Go to