Monday, May 5, 2008

How Can I Top That?

O.k....I'm sure we have all relized that my friend Arial is a should I put this....CRAZY!!!!!!! Yeah when we were working Saturday. The dishwasher was broke. So all we could do was rinse the dishes. We have now been informed that the dishwasher should be fixed by Wedensday soooo....that means I have to go in to work Wedensday. Cause that's the only other day that we're both free. yeah sooo...ah stupid chair! We just got a new computer chair, and it's driving me CRAZY! and the mouse won't move all the time. IT LIKES TO STICK IN ONE SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH! Yes! I finally fixed it. I don't know what to talk about. I can't exactly top what Arial did. Well length wise...oh wait yes I can! I can give you an insert from the book that we're writing. Please don't kill me at school Arial!

"Come on! Run!" said the leader of the group of kids. All that answered her were the heavy pants of the kids under her command,, and the heavy baying of dogs that were following them. This group of kids was no different then another group of kids they were all dirty and bedraggled. They we're pale for lack of sun. These kids were outcast.
"We can't shake these dogs! What are we going to do?" shouted one of the kids. Their leader seemed hesitant, but finally decided and said, "Up in the trees we'll make like the squirrels nd birds," all of the kids hurried to trees that they could climb and started to leap from tree to tree towards their hideout.

Yeah well...that's about all I can give cause we might change the rest. Heck....we might change some of that. Well I don't know if I topped Arial's post, but I sure tried.


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