Thursday, July 10, 2008

Digital TV

Who says Digital TV is all that? Well we finally (eye roll) got a converter box. My dad and I were watching TV during a storm and the signal was HORRIBLE! I mean yeah in a few years it might be better but from what I've heard about cable and satellite this converter box isn't much better. I mean poor reception on some days. What I really like about it is...we've got like 6 more channels then before. Which is pretty sweet cause before we only got like I don't know 9 channels? Well we now get like 19 but one channel doesn't come in until late at night then at night 3 of the channels don't come in. big whoop. But other wise since I really don't watch TV that much I've been working on 4-H projects and well...let's just say not one is done and the fair is less then 1 or 2 weeks away. SCARY! But at least half of the projects are close to done. I just need to finish putting weather stripping on my model finish outlining Mary in my wall hanging and finish shading in my Hang Man Dude. Which mom said I can't put in but who the heck does she think she is? I told here I'm entering it cause I've left out half of what was in the original. Which is like the hole the noose and the pole thingy that they use to hang them with...oh and the trigger. That's like the whole picture so now all I have is a winged person standing on a stage. Big whoop! I have to go Little Girl wants to make cookies (eye roll) mom won't let her use the stove even though she's entering 7th grade. It's horrible I know. Well ttul!


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