Monday, June 23, 2008

Recap of a Recap

So basically, this is just to explain the whole business of me getting hit by Timberdoodle that Falcon mentioned. Well it was a monday afternoon and I had just finished having dinner with my mother (which we do every now and then even though we aren't exactly that close). We were driving to Falcon's cuz thats where my car was and I was going to be hanging out with her before my clarinet lessons (I also play piano, guitar, and's a good life ^_^) . Anywho so basically we were driving along and going around a little bend in the road and there is this car that is going to go strait and keeps on inching forward instead of waiting for us to pass and BAM! ok well exaggeration, there actually was no 'bam' involved. but we barely made it without getting hit and my mom is like "What kind of idiot does he think he is?!?!" and then I burst out laughing cuz I realize who the driver of the car is. Wouldn't ya know it, it was good ol' Timberdoodle. I even made my mom turn around to see if it was actually him so I could interrogate him later. Anywho, we did and it was him and when I asked him about it on Friday he did the goofy surprised face of his and then when he walked away, he smirked and said he wished he'd actually hit us. w/e he can do as he wishes....which hopefully won't get me killed. but like I said, w/e. Though Falcon has tried to reassure me that he is a good driver or ok driver (I don't remember which word she used) . Oh well

So then today I was sick and couldn't go to my lesson. oh well. I didn't really want to go anyways. Today I did finish reading Eragon and it really is a heck of a lot better than the movie. It's a pity they didn't use the book more but there isn't anything I can do about that. Well now my mom and I are going on a walk cuz well it's prolly the most we'll talk this week. not like I care. we talk about a lot of stuff but none of that is going to be put in this blog so you're going to have to deal. oooo btw, Hermes birthday was 3 days ago. everyone give him a shout out ummmm so I guess I'll leave you to your thoughts. Have Fun! Peace Out

Song of the Day: California Love - Tupac and Dr. Dre


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