Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!haha

so as we all know, it's Christmas Eve Day and we are all excited for tomorrow and when I say merry Christmas, I'm not just saying it to all you Christians but all of you folks out yonder. I don't care what religion you are (and I'm not trying to be mean) but I'm atheist and I just believe that merry Christmas is means have a good time with family and friends, give and receive, and above all...BE MERRY!!!!!!!!!!

moving on - I've been sick for the past 3 weeks...I'm mean I'm still sick, not as bad but still, and I only made it to 3 days of school this whole month. so needless to say, this has been a very long, crappy, boring December. My brother's on again off again girlfriend is coming home tonight to spend Christmas Eve with us and then they are driving back to Mil-town tonight and spending Christmas morning with her family then driving back to spend the rest of the day with our family then she is driving back to her house the day after Christmas. Truthfully, I think they are crazy people. Purely crazy...I mean my brother is just weird but they are both crazy. but that is really all I have to say on that subject

Presents - I really out did myself this year. I actually went Christmas shopping. I hate shopping but I went out and got something for everyone...ok a got a crap load of stuff for my parents (which is odd because I don't like them) and they are going to be happy when they open their gifts...I love seeing people's faces when they open presents so I'm super excited. and one of their presents (my mom's) ties into the next paragraph and my plan...muahahahaha

Christmas trees - now I for one HATE artificial trees which is odd because I hate cutting don trees and I realize some families don't really have a choice and they have to get an artificial tree but the point is, I hate them vehemently (look that up if you don't know what it means). and then my dad has always said the same thing but last year he turned on me. I'm disgusted to say the least. He was the one person I thought I wouldn't have to worry about but here I am with a dad who won't go and get a real tree. So since he won't get a real one and I refuse to allow an artificial tree in our house, we don't have a tree. I'm not any happier about that but I have a plan...I'm still not getting a real tree out of the deal but it is not one of those stupid things designed to look like the real thing. oh well I'll work it out.

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And its hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood,
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all

MY story - well lately I've been having these super weird (I don't mean I'm getting abducted by aliens) dreams and they have fit amazingly well into the story I'm writing so that is actually moving farther along than I thought it would. I'm actually excited about it and I haven't been sleeping all that much because I'll stay up writing and then when I'm doing homework/watching TV/being on the computer/writing this blog, all I want to do is go write my story instead but if all I do is write that then I will for certain get bored and I really like this story and I don't want that to happen. either way, I'm not expecting it to get published, I'm just writing it for my benefit. That may sound weird but I know I'll feel better (or I think I will) if I get this alternate life out of my head and onto paper. sure the story is not written exactly like it plays out in my head (stories can only be so graphic) but it's still going to be out of my head. and I've been reading some fan fics lately and it's been weird and a few pages into the story it feels like mine is one because I talk about this band that I like for a paragraph but it has nothing to do with the band really. It's more about the fact that I have a pet hawk that I named after a band member and no Falcon, I didn't name it Josh though I am writing in first person for the first time (which might I as is soooo super duper weird but I don't know) and my name is Arial in this story too (I just have a thing for that name and if I ever have a daughter, I'll probably name her Arial) and there are actually names used from members of my favorite band- .......ok wow that is where I stop. I've told WAAAAAAAAAY too much...moving right along now

Well, I will figure this one out
On my own
I'm screaming "I love you so"
On my own
My thoughts you can't decode

OUR story - I'm trying to get over my odd need to write my story so I can continue to proof our story which is really difficult to do because proofing is oh so boring (I'd rather have to sit through a precalc lesson after being gone for 3 weeks than edit). So I'm doing what I can. and this may very well be the shortest paragraph...which is sad considering the topic but apparently my brother's girlfriend is about to drive her and I have to make 20 million (seriously) of her favorite cookies before she gets here and I really want to go take a shower first because I had to wake up at like 6 and shovel.

The Revue -oh and the song of the day (I didn't want to have to repeat artists especially 2 posts in a row) is mainly because I love it and I need to memorize it because I'm playing guitar for it for our talent show (I'm scared out of my mind) with 4 of my friends and they are all counting on me and the beginning is me playing a lot before the rest of the band starts playing and they may have to blind fold me so I don't see all the people and I'm thinking if I can memorize how to play the song, I won't forget everything if I do see people. oh and guess what I haven't really been playing guitar very long but I'm playing the main part and Erik is playing the chord part and I told him he could play the solo (I hadn't looked at the music yet) and now that I've played the solo, I realize that it is SO just sounds a little hard...and now I'm not playing it but I suck at chords so maybe I can talk him into letting me play it but I know he wants my part and he's pissed that he can't play it (he's been playing for years but my friend who is singing it wanted me to play the main part and if I didn't she wasn't going to do the band thing) so he keeps asking me if I can play certain parts and I keep on saying "yeah, it's really not that hard" and then he looks kinda pissed because he knows (and I know) that he is better than me but I don't care it's an easy song so I'm playing it. ok I think I got most of this Revue stuff off my chest..either way, here is the song...listen, love, enjoy ;) Much Love - Peace Out

Song of the Day: Decode - Paramore


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