Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Yeah Snow!...Not! got a ton of snow today...kinda. But that's besides the point...of course we got out of school early right? Wrong! I guess the roads weren't bad enough for us to be able to get out of school so while everyone else around us got out. We had to stay in school. Complete Bull! Okay well besides that I also got close to a ton of homework and I need to make a gingerbread house for a contest. The house has to be at the contest by tomorrow...and guess what. You guessed house isn't anywhere near being done. So...a late night for me! Oh and Arial's been sick for the day? Something like that...she'll prolly be sick tomorrow. I had called her last night to see how she was feeling and from the description she was giving me it reminded me of Bella in the second Twilight book after...well I'm not gonna give it away for those of you who havn't read it...but of course who hasn't read the freakin' book yet? It's spread through our school like wildfire. *eye roll* It's kinda dumb, but of course everyone's calling me weird cause I only like the first book. And yes...before you ask I did read the whole entire series...except for the one on the internet...cause I just don't have time to read that one. Well...I should prolly do my homework now. ttul!


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