Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bored in Funroe

Title pretty much says it all...just kinda sitting on the porch...on my laptop...stealing wifi...talking to Sweetie :) lol but other then that...bored outta my mind, but i get to see him tomorrow after school :) cause Rockytown (that's what I'm calling it) has spring break this upcoming week, and I had it last week...which sucks cause I do sunrise service at my church which means I get up at 3 so i can get a friend by 3:30 so we can be at church by 4 so that we can perform a play at 6 fun fun no? Br it's getting cold outside. Hummmmmmmmm what else what says I'm gonna have homework tomorrow, but I don't think I will...I have all easy classes...and I'm pretty sure I didn't have homework over springbreak...I should prolly check on that. Oh well, I was working on 4-H projects over the week so :P Oh so Yesterday was Sweetie and my 2 month anniversary :) yay 2 months! lol

Hmmmm...plays, so I did the sunrise service play today...that went pretty I just have one more play to do :P thankfully that's sometime this month, but then we have to perform it again...and then three more times at the state fair :P not a happy camper, but who cares what my thoughts are on that (except my Sweeties :) ) But hey that's all that counts right? Soooo...I'm gonna give my Sweetie the URL for this site and see if I can get him to get his butt on here lol. :P Love you Sweetie! But as far as I know I don't have much to and Little Girl are watching the Amazing Race and Dad went to one of his friends houses to sit in their hot tub and my cat are on the porch looking at the invisible stars and my
Sweetie and one of his friends is at a BK with free WiFi go him! lol :P Well looks like I'm outta ideas and my batteries half gone :( lol back to my Facebook! he he he...I should work on my cross stitching...DAMN LEAVES THAT SOUND LIKE ANIMALS COMING TO ATTACK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kay I'm done spazzing for the night. Love my Sweetie and Peace to ya'll not reading this!


1 comment:

Ann's Sweetie said...

Love it :). You're a great blogger honey. I love you so much :)