Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In Utter Pain?

I'm gonna start at the BEGINNING of this week...just so I can get everything out...bear with me peoples.

*inhales deeply then exhales* Kay so Sunday was the norm, well mostly except we missed 8 o' clock church (I didn't mind that at all) but then we went to Sunday School, and I helped Tattoo boy as I always do. Oh yay :) this week is movie and popcorn :) *does a small victory dance* lol originally i was going to miss it because of the Senior FFA trip (that got cancelled, but I'll get into that more later) Okay so after church I just kinda locked myself in my room...or was that the day Sweetie came over...I don't remember, I did something so I didn't have to deal with mom most of the day. Well then mom called me upstairs because she decided to "renovate" my sisters closet. (the reason it needed "renovating" is because the fireplace chimneys right there and there was a crack where moisture was coming in so the paint was bubbling there was a big bubble about oh idk a foot and a half? or so) So mom got all the paint and the lathe off the thatching. For those of you that don't know what Lathe and Thatching is either look it up on the internet or wait until I post a picture because it's really really cool, but you can only find it in old houses, but please PLEASE don't go tearing up your house walls to find lathe and thatching, because you might have the same consenquences as my mom lol. So mom called me upstairs because she needed to run to the store and needed me to vacumme up the army of ants that was crawling in through the thatching that mom had uncovered. So I stood there vacumming up these damn ants that were about half an inch big, idk what they were I just know that they were huge! And mom had a can of RAID in the closet well, I wanted the flow of ants to at least slow down a little...and mom had half a can of RAID left. Lol guess who used up the rest of the raid :P In my defense it slowed them down. The entire time I was talking to one of my friends I'm gonna nickname...Lotain Girl cuz she always has Lotain on hand. So I was texting Lotion girl (see I spelled it right now) :P okay but I was texting her and I'm just like can you come help me get rid of these ants? And she walked up to her mom, with a fly swatter mind you, and asked if she could help me kill these ants. Her mom's all like you're doing WHAT with a flyswatter? But then Sweetie called me on my new cell :) oh yes I got a new cell, tired of U.S. Cellular screwing me over so I got a Straight Talk phone they're really reasonable $45 per month for unlimited, mins, pic messaging, texting, and internet access :) I was excited but anywho, Sweetie called me and I was explaining my situation with him and mom came up out of nowhere and was all like "Why're you on the phone?" I'm just like "Talking to Dad" (cause heaven forbide I talk to my boyfriend oooooh no that's a HUGE no no with my mom, seeing him ONCE a week is enough *eye roll* it's unfair :( *pouts*) okay but back to my story so mom got whatever the hell she got and it killed all the ants :) (yay) and then Lotion Girl asked if I could hang out and I said I'd try to see if I could, so I asked mom and she, of course, said No, then dad came home with Little Girl a few minutes later and he came out on the porch (which is where I was sulking) and asked what was wrong and I asked him if he could convince mom to let me go. And like the good dad he is he did and was able to convince mom to let me go. It then took me a half hour to find Lotion Girls house (mainly cuz I was on the wrong street, but that was besides the point) (I promise this all will tie into something) So then me and Lotion Girl went to Culvers and we talked and chat cuz, well I never just hang with her it's always...shit do I have a nickname for her yet? Um well I'll use the beginning of her e-mail, so I'm always hanging out with Cutie and not Lotion Girl and I thought it would be a good change of pace, and plus I was pissed wiht Cutie because we BOTH were supposed to work on the Senior powerpoint and here she is working on it by herself and I'm just like so I was I ever going to be aware of you doing this? And she's just like you were busy and I'm just like with what?! but yeah getting back to why I'm blogging...Lotion Girl and I were hanging at Culvers then I took her home around quarter to ten, and then I went to my house and got there around ten. At that exact of my friends was in a car accident with four other teens from Funroe. But nobody knew least not yet.


I got up, got ready for school, then my world crashed around me after I saw almost the whole school crying. I asked Cutie why people were all sad and she said she'd tell me in Choir. So then, I gave her my old p hone (cause it's not deactivated yet) and she took it and called her mom to see if she could go home, which her mom said no. So then Ermit (my jealous non-ex) came in and asked me why people were crying and I told him I didn't know. and then he said, "Do you know any details?" and I said, "No, Cutie said she'd tell me in Choir," and he said, "Did she actually say that or did you just not listen?" (and the only reason he said that was because he needed to tell me something on Friday and I told him I'd listen to him any other day, but I had to work right after school got out so I had to run, and he was all that's typical of you and etc. etc. you get the jist) and so I blew up in his face and yelled at him for a good five minutes or so, long enough to get him backed up into the water fountain. And then Arial dragged me away from him before I could start beating him, and she calmed me down and said there had been two deaths and I told her I knew that and that was all I knew. As the day progressed...I found out who the deaths were and why they had died.

The deaths were of Cory Becker (Pecker accourding to the FFA) and Amber Moehn{I dont' think I spelled her last name right} They had been out driving on Sunday night with two Juniors, and they had decided to play chicken, the Juniors were driving. Neither of the Juniors swerved and the vehicles hit head on, Pecker wasn't wearing a seat belt and was projected from his vehicle, he was medflighted to Mad town. Amber had a seat belt on and was pronounced dead at the sceen. The two drivers had minor injuries (rumors were one lost fingers and the other lost their tongue) one of the drivers has been rumored to have gotten out of the hospital the same night, and a few hours later commited suicide. As for the other driver I have not heard an update. The school has been brought together after this horiffic event and we have all realized even though we have these different cliques, we are still the same and are connected in same way or another.

Our school has learned that we must put aside our differences and work together to get along. They are getting together to help raise money to help the parents with the funerals. And I hope that they are successful.


I woke up feeling prego. Which I'm not, but I went to school and had a splitting headache all day and all night, lights killed and moving my head too fast made me feel as if I would pass out. I also had hot and cold flashes all day and into the night

Wednesday A.K.A. today:

I woke up with the same headache as yesterday, and still got hot and cold falshes so mom had me stay home and gave me tylonal, the headache left around noon and I just got it back :( But I'll get over it, as long as it doesn't develop into what Sweetie has, which is a headache whenever I'm not with him. But I'm gonna get to my homework now...25 notecards due by tomorrow for Engilsh...I have three done, and the internet wasn't working all day :(


1 comment:

Ann's Sweetie said...

Omg, too long, lol. for some reason it's hard for me to follow things when the paragraphs are so long, but i managed that, lol. Love you honey