Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So I am a complet failure...I can't do anything right, I might not graduate, and all because of this class I didn't want to take. Mom made me take it because I can get "college" credit for it which I'm not even gonna get because it doesn't work for the school I'm going to. It only works for colleges in my hometown so there was no point in me taking this class because it's not gonna get me anywhere and i wanted to take an easier class but mom wouldn't let me and now i'm probably not going to graduate and mom's not going to listen to anything i have to say about. and i'm also not going to get any scholarships and mom's not going to like that and idk...i'm just a complete and utmost failure i need to go now before i pass out from lack of air, i can't feel anything right now.


Hope your lives are better then mine

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