Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer my post won't be as long as Arial's. Well hmm I'm not sure yet. Yeah so summer has been pretty dull....NOT! Considering that the first storm of the season well actually it was prolly the second or third major storm my mom almost got hit by lightening trying to get our dog inside. Turns out the lightening hit our garage. And now the last storm we had I had seen a bunch of clouds hanging out of the sky that were turning into a non-revolving funnel cloud. It was really scary. Hey Arial! I have a new thing you can shout out your car window besides smoking kills! Try CO2 Kills! cause I mean Global Warming why do you think we were under a warning for like 3 days! That's the most ever...EVER! Yeah so...hmmm. I lost my train of thought. AHHH PLAY MUSIC! My music isn't working now. Now it is! Yeah so I'm gonna log off and get ready for work. So talk to you later!


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