Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm 17...not 7....even though I act like it sometimes

Here are some points that I will hopefully cover in this post though they might not be in order...

~Falcon on vacation
~my birthday
~work last friday
~Six Flags
~and well I think there was something else but I really don't remember...

Ok so first off Falcon is on vacation which means that I don't know what to do when I'm waiting for my lesson. I go to town at like 12 and then wait until 2:30 or 3:30 for my lesson (depending on the day) and since she is gone (which means I can't hang at her place) I've resorted to staying at home...with Hermes....who sleeps half the day anyways...well he just got up and it's 2. oh well. I should prolly get ready to leave but oh well...later

Work last Friday sucked cuz the new kid that works there was blaming me for getting a bunch of crap stuck in the garbage disposal and it wasn't my fault...thank god John and Scott were there cuz they believed me instead of that idiot. well I have to work with him next saturday after my party which I know I'll only get like an hour of sleep... it's kinda funny though cuz they sleep down stairs and when they all FINALLY fall asleep I sneak to my room so I can get at least a little bit of sleep. some of them snore. not something I can sleep through especially since it takes me forever to fall asleep anyways.

my birthday was pretty fun though. West, Bookworm, Peacock, and I went to TH to have supper and then we all went to see Fiddler on the Roof (the play) well Peacock didn't but w/e. I'm surprised West didn't gripe too much. it's not something she would like. but it was my birthday and it ended up being funnier than we expected. so yeah I had fun and then the next day both my parents had off so I got my hair cut and then my parents bought me 4 books and some craft stuff and then they got me the Angels & Airwaves cd. I love them. well a lot of people don't like them but I don't care. I liked blink182 and since there are almost the same (seeing that they have the same lead singer) oh well. I've been listening to them constantly now so you won't be surprised by the song of the day. Here I'll give you a hint, it's by A&A. haha anywho my birthday was fun and I'm super excited to see all my other friends that I haven't seen this summer at my party on friday

There's lonely voices like a scarecrow
In the hallway like a lost ghost
In the bedroom I see a shadow
From the moon with light from a candle

Next up- So Bookworm invited Falcon, Peacock, and I to go to 6 flags with him, his mother, his sister, and Silly (Falcon's lil sister). We had soooo much fun even though it was raining all day so that a wait of 15 minutes took 2 hours. but we passed the time singing children's songs like There's a Hole in the Bucket and The Ants Go Marching. it was really funny when all the people started looking at us all weird! Anywho we all need to go again because we had a blast...well I kept on jumping in puddles and one was A LOT deeper than I expected so when I jumped in, the water splashed up and my pants got completely soaked...that was really odd feeling especially when I had just finished drying from the rain. But if anyone wants to go on the Dark Knight ride...don't unless there is no line because it's an indoor coaster and we waited an hour and a half for a 30 second long ride. and then there is all the wood coasters. I'm not afraid of coasters other than wood ones cuz I keep thinking they are going to collapse killing us all. but I finally got forced to go on one and it was fun other than the fact that I thought termites were going to be the death of me!!!

well I still don't remember what else there was other than me getting 6 blues at the for my poetry! I like writing poetry I usually don't let people read it...once I wrote one and submitted it to our school poetry paper thing and there were like 30 poems in it and they all had who it was by but at my request they left mine by: anonymous. Then I'm walking down the hall way after the paper came out and so half the school was reading it and over half of them were saying how good it was. I just smiled. I mean I guess the judges read my poems but that's different. I don't know I may start posting them on my mibba account. but at this point I don't really know.

oops well I have to go and get ready before my mother gets home Love to all! Peace Out

Song of the Day: Sirens - Angels & Airwaves


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