Wednesday, October 1, 2008

....I think I'm going to cry....oh yup I am.

I totally missed September. didn't write a single blog. I'm kinda not surprised though I mean I've been suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper busy. I'm actually sick right now and have been vegetating at home cuz I feel like crap. ya know what else I haven't done yet???? I haven't read the story....the one falcon and I are writing. I'm depressed. I need to read like 7 chapters to catch up and then I need to proof the whole thing anyways...wahhhhhh I feel like crying. I'm not in a good mood right now and I'm going beck to bed when I'm done here even though I should start proofing the story, I'm too grumpy and tired to do it anyways but something everyone else in the world should do right now is go to

and watch some videos. usually they cheer me up but I'm really pissed. my dad has been a jerk lately and when he comes home he's prolly going to yell at me for missing yet another day of school but frankly I don't care. I'm sick of school and it's way to stressful.

NEW PARAGRAPH!!!!! ok well I just wanted to start a new one for the heck of it. ya know what doesn't make sense, I run 30 seconds faster on hills than I do on a flat track. of well w/e I just think I'm going to go read Brisinger by Christopher Paolini. If you haven't read it do. it just came out. and if you haven't read the rest of the series do that too. *grumble grumble grumble* I'm still grumpy so I'll leave you all to your thoughts and I'm not even going to bother with the song of the day cuz I don't have one. but there is a song that everyone should go out and listen to. it's called

Messes of Men by: mewithoutyou

check it out. well so long for now, maybe I'll post back at another time this month and have 2 posts to make up for not having one last month. well have a good October!


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