Saturday, November 22, 2008

The 22nd of November

pretty insignificant date right? WRONG!!! How could any day of the year be unimportant? People die everyday. No matter what they did in their lives, they all deserved to be remembered. So now and everyday, take a moment of silence for those who have passed into the abyss.

Just talk yourself up
And tear yourself down
You've hit your one wall
Now find a way around
Well what's the problem?
You've got a lot of nerve

Now on to another topic for today. Twilight. Sure you've heard of it. Sure you've read it. Sure you might have even seen the movie. In my opinion, the movie - I saw it last night - kinda sucked. All the actors did an amazing job (even though I kinda have a prejudice against someone who makes a living on by being a liar...don't read into it) but that isn't why I didn't think it was that good. Sure movies don't usually follow the book all that well, but this movie was definitely for the readers of the series. If you had not read it, you wouldn't have understood a load of things including facial expressions. Then other parts of the book could have easily been added but instead, parts that didn't exist, appeared in the movie. For instance the Cullens making a meal for Bella. Sure it was funny and showed that they don't eat but other alternatives were available. Like the fact that Bella always makes food for Charlie but didn't even begin to in the movie. oh well the movie was still pretty decent and I'm not a critic (even though I don't hold them in high standing either). So, that's all I'm going to say on the subject. that's it. Falcon, don't even think of bring it up...please.

I'm not so naive
My sorry eyes can see
The way you fight shy
Of almost everything
Well, if you give up
You'll get what you deserve

Next on the agenda is my random rambling but I don't really have much else to say cause my mood from my last bulletin is still prevailing. but what else is there to do when....ok not going there. My brother is coming home next Wednesday or possibly Tuesday now depending on when I have a chance to pick him up. either way, I'm excited for him to come home. And, since next week is break, I'll probably being doing APUSH homework and if not I'll be hanging with my brother or proofing the story that is consuming my life.

So what did you think I would say?
No you can't run away, no you can't run away
So what did you think I would say?
No you can't run away, no you can't run away
You wouldn't

ok not entirely consuming since I'm actually working on a side project right now. Falcon please don't tell anyone and I mean
anyone about this. I realize you really don't know but not a word. It's just a side project and who knows, I might get bored with it...maybe.

I never wanted to say this
You never wanted to stay
I put my faith in you, so much faith
And then you just threw it away
You threw it away

Well I'm sure everyone has plenty to think of now. And apologies for all the song quotes but I couldn't pick one and they all work with the topics and/or my mood for today. So, have an eventfully/uneventful/boring/fun/happy/bad/good/terrible/wonderful/etc day. pick your poison.

Song of the Day: For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic - Paramore


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