Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Sorry I havn't been better at this...I was gonna blog after Halloween and you see...i havn't really done that. And then I was gonna blog before Thanksgiving. Well at least I'm doing one of those. Schools just been so busy. Plus I don't go on the internet unless I have to. Idk why I've been doing that I just have been. Well Halloween sucked...I had to work ALL night. :( and then my sister had all the luck in finding the good houses so she got all this candy and won't share. Of course I've never let that stop me before. he he he. Okay well anywho. the only reason I'm on now is because I found out one of my best friends (West) (I have others too but that's besides the point) I found out that she just got messenging so I kinda kicked my dad off so I could talk to her...that was after my guitar string broke :( Yeah well I should prolly go and write. Oh I guess I never mentioned it but on Halloween I finished the first book...now we're just proof reading it. So hopefully before summer we'll have it to a publisher. Dang it West! okay gtg


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