Sunday, February 8, 2009

Feel The Burn

Imagine...sledding down a two story hill at close to 20 miles an hour. You suddenly come to a HUGE pile of snow...but that's only a ninty degree turn that you have to encounter before you start getting pelted by snowballs. If you don't make it...well, someone's just gonna sled over you.
That's what I went through a few minutes ago...I may have only went down the hill three myself. but that's besides the point. I gave up on Bookworm cause we would only get five feet then go off the track. So I got down the hill...but I flew (I mean that literally) off the track and landed like five feet away along with my sled about ten feet away from me. That ramp was high! Geesh! Now my wrist hurts more then ever. Oh and my mom had told me to wear my snow pants...I so didn't. I'm now sopping wet and mom's not home! I should probably right back.
Okay back...Yeah so...kinda should do my homework, but I really don't feel like it. Too bad it's due Monday...this sucks. He he he on a brighter note Arial's gonna do my hair for prom! I'm gonna post pictures once it's done. I can't wait! Oh and says you can only come over "one" day for spring break *wink wink* she'll be at work...who's gonna tell? He he he...we can be sooo evil. Oh and I want that insert when you're done writing it...Oh and Bookworm told me how to say that one thing in's on my ttul


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sledding was fun! and don't you dare say no!