Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Skiing & A Little News For Arial yesturday for gym class I went skiing with Peacock and West. Let me just say it's fun as long as your not doing the splits or skidding on your face about twenty feet down the hill. Other then that yeah...much fun. Today I could barely get out of bed...of course I was the smart one that didn't take a hot shower when I got home yesterday...and I have yet to do that. I just wanted to get this post out of the way. Cause ow *winces* okay we're good.
Now for the second point...Arial my mom and I were talking we always do...that's besides the point. So she's talking to me and she's all like Manager Dude (A.K.A. Weasel) sent me the sceduale today. And I'm just sitting there nodding my head...I don't really pay attention to the next few things she says...the word that really caught my attention was fired. I'm all like what? and mom's just like yeah Weasel was fired this morning because the board didn't think he was doing a good enough job. And yes Arial I know how you feel about him, but I feel kinda bad for him cause the board isn't being fair. They never gave him a chance to do anything to improve the place. But anyways...yeah he's gone...oh and there's a new president for the board...I'll tell you who that is when I call you. But anyways...I feel like putting a song on here hopefully it'll work *crosses fingers* I just think it's a catchy toon...and it's off of the new cd I got over the weekend....and no Arial it's not Flyleaf...I got two cd's over the weekend. The song I'm gonna try to put on here is called The Soldier's Song by Demon Hunter. Well I'm gonna go...need to take a warm shower cause during every class I had today I kept on stiffeining up and it wasn't a lot of fun. Oh yeah and West's dad decided to come over and teach me how to ski...that would be when I skidded down the slope...on my face. I counted I have six bruises in one sucks. The biggest one's like two inches across. I'm amazed I even went down as much as I did (I'm talking about the hill not falling) Well I did fall alot too but w/e. Well then I'm gonna call Arial as soon as my computer let's me click stuff. Which should be soon...hopefully. Oh I cracked my neck! Yes I've been trying to do that all day!

Oh and come over tomorrow and I can promise at least ONE cheesecake...I've um kinda been eating them for breakfast to take with my pills. But I promise there's five left today there will be at least one left tomorrow. I'll make sure "dad" doesn't eat yours like he did that sugar cookie...which was kinda funny cause I had just gotten done telling him not to eat the big one. He went over to the table and picks one up and I turn around I'm like is that Arial's cookie? and he's just like I flipped was pretty funny cause I'm just like I promised Arial that cookie how could you eat it? She had faith in you not to eat that cookie and here you went and ate it anyways! like I said quite funny cause Arial came over and I'm like "dad" ate your cookie. and she's all like no dad! you didn't! and he's all like um...yeah I did. Very funny especially when you're on the sidelines...well my computers being stupid so you'll have to look the song up on the internet oh and while ya'll are doing that you should look up The Tide Began To Rise by Demon Hunter's very pretty...I'm gonna give it to you Arial when I get my chip back. Mom has it right now so...well ttul


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