Monday, November 2, 2009

Crying My Eyes Out

Okay...I need to get into the habit of doing this again...once in a while is NOT helping me one wonder if I can do this in html code? ANYWHO not why I'm blogging. So today at lunch...West who has a crush on Peacock texted me while I was in line talking with Toothpaste about her new phone. (wow I feel like a girl...long list of nothing that's relevant...wait that's right I AM a girl w/e) okay so anywho (yet again) she texted me to tell me that she wants to kiss Peacock and that she's not horney cause guess what? I was gonna ask her about her horneyness level *eye roll* hey sometimes it gets pretty high then OH NO everyone hide it's WWIII.

But ANYWAYS jeeze I'm not doing so hot here. Anywho, I told her to try and control herself until I get to the table so I could smack her good and hard (I never did...damn teachers and principal) Yay Peacock just got online! Now I can destroy him *cue evil laughter* wow I havn't even gotten the whole story up here yet...damn. Anyways she kept on texting me (even though I was at the table) and telling me on how she wanted to kiss him. There wasn't much I could do considering she was SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM!

But NOW I want to destroy him...idk why sometimes I get these bitchy feelings that I just CAN NOT ignore! I'm thinking that if I carry out my "evil" plan she'll stop liking him and maybe JUST maybe he'll talk to her again. He hasn't talked to her for about two weeks, and it's because I somehow made her mad at him when REALLY it was his fault. That or I have NO idea why he's mad at us. He's just an assfuck, and needs to get the dick out of his ass. But anyways...that's all I have to say. Hope I didn't waste too much time out of your busy lives.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well school started, and what is kinda cool, is that in my German class one of the grades is to blog. Unfortunantly for me...this blog doesn't count :( It would be awesome cause I mean...hey I would have a freakin' A in that class. But nooo I gotta go onto my teachers site and blog on her blog. Which is okay, cause I mean, you can't get onto this sight at my school. Stupid Dans Gardian.

Anywho, this week was/is homecoming. Yay homecoming! Today was famous person day. I know for a fact we had about three Micheal Jacksons. And I know for a fact I spelled his name wrong. But what was really cool was what Arial dressed up as...Voldemort. It was freaky when she'd close her eyes, cause one of my other we'll call her Smurf, painted her eyelids so taht when she'd close them, she'd have red eyes. Sooooo scary. I'll see if I can get her to put a picture up...oh and yes, she's alive, even tho she hasn't blogged in ages. :D It's great I see her everyday and go "You're alive!"

Okay...other reason I'm blogging. My dreams have GOT to stop plaugeing me the way they are. That and they need to stop taking the plots from the stories I read...geeze! So I'm reading an A7X fanfic (for those of you who don't know what A7X stands for it's Avenged Sevenfold), and in the story the main character found out she's the daughter of M. Shadows or Matt Sanders. Well, I went to bed and guess what my dream was about...I'm freakin' M. Shadows daughter. Creepy I'm not sure, well maybe the fact that I called my mom a slut and my dad was still I refused to call M. Shadows dad...then he came to my school and totally embarressed me to no end.

There was another, oh. It's more of a note to Arial, but she prolly won't read this for a while, not that I care, but okay here it goes.


so I got bored, and I went snooping around my house for a notebook (which I did eventually find) and then I started to write. It's a new story idea...damn phone...okay but West isn't too sure on the idea considering I know NOTHING on the subject. Basically it's gonna take place in our lovely tiny hometown, but there's two gangs (on either side of the tracks). Not quite sure where I was going with that hmm...just a sec. Okay well basically I need help thinking of gang names, and names for the's you me, and west, and anyone else we want. I think I'm putting the boy-next-door-delema into it, but I'm not quite sure yet. I shall think that's it, I'll tell you more at school. maybe, we'll see.

Right now I think I should get on with my German blog...but I have no idea what to blog about...cause I can't say ANYTHING in the language...I can read it fairly well, but I can't speak it. Oh I also found out I have an ear for long as I listen really hard I can actually figure out what they're's pretty cool! Well with this I leave you, and go to torture myself with trying to blog on something I have no idea what to write about. :P


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Okay...It's Been A While

okay...sooooo my bad for not posting in a while. What has it been...since june? My bad! Okay So much to talk about. Forewarning this will probably be my longest post in...ever! Okay let's start off with...fair, since I'm thinking about it.

Okay fair. I got two blues (1st) and two whites (3rds). What on? The blues I got on my cross-stitching (a calico cat covered in folige) and my model of a late 28 early 29 model A Phaton. Pretty sure I spelled that wrong. I dont' have any pics of it so you'll have to look it up yourself. Okay...thirds. Both were drawings. One was a black and white drawing of the earth with a banner going across that said Go Green. And around the earth was a daisy ring. What sucks is I couldnt' hear the judge to see why I was getting a third on that picture. The other picture was a copywrited picture of a barn owl. The reason I got a third on that one is because I forgot to put the picture I was copying from on the back. Otherwise I might've had three firsts. that that's out of the way...time to talk about State Fair. Okay so I went with Arial and West. Arial's bunny basket went there...I'm sure she'll talk about it. Also we had to perform our play there. (West was not apart of it) Of course what sucked is that I had to play a part I totally wasn't prepared for, because the person playing it wasn't gonna make it. Oh I should prolly say what the play was about...that WOULD help. The play was a 4-H Emergency...basically a medical play. It was really stupid and sucked. There was no way we could play any of it up...well Arial found a way. And I was going to but I kept on missing my parts which was pissing me off.

Okay, now the story. Freakin' A we wanted to publish it this summer. But because we were all busy, there was NO let me repeat NO possible way to even TRY and proof read it. I mean's Arial's responsibility, because well...she signed up for it. But it's my responsibilty to make the book last a little bit longer then a few weeks. And I like it when Arial and I get together with my calenders and try and make it work out. I'm so glad I save calenders...I may be a dork, but at least I'm a smart dork...always looking ahead. (Yeah I know I totally didn't I'm just the dork that saves calenders) But anywho! I got to redrafting...I think it was ch. 10...totally need to get to work on this. I'm trying to see if I can combine some things....move some other things...make these things make sense. Oh it's a nightmare! Arial! We need another sleepover...we need to get these things done with your insomnia! We could get soooo much done!, parents? I think. My mom's being mean...well when isn't she really? She's starting to yell at me for no aparent reason again. Like I forgot to move a bucket a couple weeks ago. She flipped. I'm just like oops...I meant to move, but I forgot someone called. Of course she says that that's not an always (eye roll), and she says I need better excuses or no she said I need actual excuses. And I'm just um, okay. You only say everyother word that comes out of my mouth is an excuse. So I don't know why I even try anymore. (sigh) I think I need a shrink.

Continueing off that last paragraph...I want a shrink. Yeah Yeah well remember I'm the crazy person that saves calenders for no apparent reason. I think it would help. Honestly I do. But if I bring it up to mom she'll be all like why do you need a shrink? Why dont' you just talk to us. And that's where I go yeah um...if I talk to you you YELL AT ME! basically a no win situation...gotta love those.

High Speed. Totally just got it and am LOVING it! Sooo much faster then dial up, and I can actually go on youtube and watch videos right more waiting five hours for a minute video to load. Loving it!

My deilma (I know I didnt' spell it right). Kay, so this guy moved in next door. And he's really cute. Sad thing is...I know his entire work scheduale. Funny thing is...Arial's pissed cause she's never scene him, but West and Bookworm has. she has no idea Bookworms sceen him yet! I want to talk to him, but I'm too scared to. Ermit's making fun of me because last year i was making fun of Arial for not being able to talk to Joe. It was great...but what goes around comes around. It's a shitty world, but we all gotta get over that some time in our lives.

Senior Pics. I totally got my senior pics and I'm syked. Cause my grandpa let me use his '65 Mustang! It was fun and those are probably the one's I'm gonna use. ha ha ha be jealus Arial be extremely jealus. Of course Arial and West don't want to do senior pics. I'm not sure what Arial's problem is but West thinks she's fat. She's like 5' 7" and 120 lbs. Tell that fat? Cause I don't. I'm an inch shorter and about 44 lbs heavier. so...she shouldn't be complaining. But thinks that's it to talk about. Yup pretty sure that's it...well then ttul!


Monday, June 1, 2009


So...yesterday I went to an airshow with West. And guess what? Well It's got somethign to do with teh title of this post. Yup I got burned, but guess what...only one arm got burned...crap, just a sec i gotta put more gel on my arm, it's starting to burn again.
Okay I'm back...I feel sooooo refreshed now. Okay now it's actually quite interesting as to how only ONE freakin' arm burned. Okay so West, me, her lil' brother, and her dad all went to the Janesville air show, we then found seats and sat down. West took the suntan lotion and put it on her arms then offered it to me. I said I didnt' need it cause I don't burn easily. (ha ha...never saying that again) she said okay then gave the lotion back to her dad. We then watched the show for up to three hours before I look back at my arm and gasp, saying "My arms burned to a crisp!" I then realized that I should have put the suntan lotion on that arm because the sun was closer to it then my other arm. My other arm got a nice tan.
And then today at school, everyone had to look at my arm that was "as red as live coals" as some of my friends put it. One of wait it was West, as soon as she saw me she clapped me on my burn, she immediately regretted it. But she got to the otherside of the room before I could pound her. It was actually kinda funny today, because the gel I put on my arm was cracking, and everybody thought it was my skin. It took forever to explain, but I was finally able to. I actually found out that as the burn heals it just flakes off. But if you try and peel it off of the burn it burns like crazy! So if anyone gets Aloe Vera gel and puts it on their burns...don't peel it off. It's really painful. The only reason I did it was because I was bored out of my mind watching a movie in American Heritage. Oh also Arial, West and I dont' get out of school until the sucks. I shall now leave you all be, and go and do my homework...ttul!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Prom prolly should talk about that shouldn't I? Totally meant to...when I got the pictures on the computer. But I've been afraid to put them on because my programs may or may not have been put back onto this computer. Which will suck if they weren't. And I shall kill the ppl who updated the damn computer a few months back. I should prolly get that checked out...just a sec I'm gonna get my camera and find out. I'm gonna put the pics of my hair up on it...and we shall see what Arial's reaction to it is. Oh and since she prolly didn't know about this when she blogged so I'm gonna say it for her...and West.
We're gonna be creating a band called...Brompton Cocktail. Yeah like the song by Avenged Sevenfold. Only reason...Arial wants stage names. Arial shall be Arial Suicide. I am Falcon Massacre. And West is yet undecided...yet she is writing our songs. Hopefully they're school appropriate.

Anywho...these are the pics...which I am now currently waiting for them to download...damn dial up. We're supposedly getting wireless soon. I hope. Damn not letting me get them. Kay lets try at a time this time. Damn printer! It's kinda out of ink. Oh yeah! he he he...front view....let's see what comes up next.

Ha ha side view!

And back view...
He he and other side...feel free to give her compliments...she enjoys them :D

Well...I shall talk to ya'll later...casue I need to kinda finish my fair's in two months Yikes! well ttul!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

well it's been awhile

sooooo it's been forever. well not forever because forever is forever. yeah anywho, I've got updates for everyone for instance........

sooner or later I will be posting our story (the first couple chapters for now) on one of the writing sites that I belong to. Since Falcon has been promoting I decided I might as well do my part so that's what I'm going to do. The site is but you need an account to read the story. but don't be in a major hurry to get over there because I can't put it on there today or tomorrow because I'm going to be out of town. but who knows. I might be home long enough later today or tomorrow to post it. either way, if you want to read it, you'll have to go to story search and type in my user name and then under search criteria or whatever go to user name. which means you need to know my user's LifeLovesMusic. I may be changing it in the near future but if I do I'll be sure to post it here.

Other news, I'm getting my hair cut today...don't know what. My mother wants it short but I said either I'm shaving it or it's at least shoulder length. she shook her head and walked away. not like I care. If she isn't in the same room, then she can't yell at me...sooo that's actually all I have to say on the subject.

ummmm well I know there had been a lot going on but I can't remember what else.....OH YEAH!

I'm still sick! It sucks and I've probably missed more school than people who skip. I'm not really surprised but my stomach is killing me. the throwing up hasn't been happening as much but it feels like I got kicked in the stomach a few hundred times and I'm not exaggerating. It really does hurt. for instance I'll be walking down the hallway and I'll stop all of a sudden and curl up in a little ball crying my eyes out. GGGAAAAAAAA I feel like a pregnant woman. Which, by the way, I'M NOT!!!!!! stupid doctors thought I was and then I was just like "yeah I'm pregnant. my name is Mary and I shall name my baby Jesus!" lol I'd prolly end up nameing is Johnny. so it'd be Johnny Christ. like the bassist for Avenged Sevenfold. I really do love that band (all their stuff). I've been busy on all my sick days sleeping but in the evenings, I've been downloading their music. If you haven't listened, please do so. although I must say, if you listen to their first album and then the most recent, they sound nothing alike. after all, most of the first album (as in almost all) was screamo will a little singing. the next album had a little less then a drastic drop and now there isn't any at all. okay I take that back. The drummer is screaming on some of the recent songs. Which is hilarious because their drummer is seriously crazy...ok I've gone way past my point.....sickness!!! sucks. that's about all though. The doctors still don't have a clue as to what is wrong but they don't seem to have a problem giving me a bunch of meds. grr grrr grrrrrrrrrrr but just so we're clear, I'm am not, by any means, prego!

moving on...again....I have no idea what I was going to say..................................oh yes I do!!!!!

PROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't go...haha in your face losers!!!!!!! yeah a lot of my friends were trying to get me to was my brother...anywho, I did do Falcons hair, like I promised her. She looked amazing. haha I loved it. yeah but if you want more details that would be up to Falcon...I'm actually surprised she didn't do a blog on it.....hmmm. She prolly will now that I'm reminding her...

ummmmmmmm great here we go..again...And now I'm wondering. Just who would I have been. To be the one attached. At all times to your hip? Forget the things we swore we meant. sorry. a little Paramore moment. which is funny. their music used to make me happy (as I mentioned in a previous blog) but now their music is depressing to me. I still listen to it though...ah well. what to do. what to do.

well I believe that is all for now. though like I said, I'll be posting the story on mibba soon. So falcon, I've got that website taken care of. You can find other sites to post it on if you want to. so I guess that's it. I'll talk to all ya'll in the probably not so near future!!!...darn memory loss

Song of the Day: Brompton Cocktail - Avenged Sevenfold

the song of the day is actually the name of Arial's band in the book I'm writing soooo yeah!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Not Much To Report

So...havn't blogged in a while. Arial, West and I are trying to finish proof reading the first book...which is really frustrating...which reminds me i gotta change West's sibling names to lucas and victoria. Yeah really didn't change much but...had to change them none the less. Yeah...and then West and I are busy writing inserts for the second and third books. Thankfully there's only gonna be three. Really I don't have much to report...that's kinda sad cause I normally do. Well if you want to read an excert from the first book I got part of it on hopefully that takes you to it. Other wise go to and look up Falcon. That should get you to it...I don't think you'll have to create an account but if you do...that's the only place I got it at the moment so bare with me while i look into creating other accounts. Well I should prolly get to my "homework" ttul!


Sunday, April 5, 2009


well...I did start typing this on someone's I-pod touch but....couldn't get the keypad to work on this part...title was okay...just not this part. Well I've kinda figured out...I HATE MY COMPUTER COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because we got our computer updated and guess what...I lost everything. OMG! I'M GONNA KILL THIS KID! Sorry that was kinda random...I'm just talking to Peacock and he's being difficult...which reminds me I'm going to prom and I'm gonna put pics of my dress on here when it's i should prolly do my homework...Arial you need to get better! I miss you in German class! 'Manda was gone today (not that we get along) but it was pretty boring and you need to do your performance assesment...and blog! okay I gotta go cause I really need to do my homework before mom gets!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Have you ever had a threat? No seriously have you? Well, I have recently...twice, actually my entire school was threatened...twice within the month. I wasn't there the first time...I was the second was scary. Bomb threats are serious things...I've gone through one already. It wasn't all fun and's serious business. It's a really scary thing to happen. The first time it happened I was up in Madison looking at colleges...the second time I was actually at school. It was may say you would never freak if it actually happened at your school. That's what I had thought...I could be tough I wouldn't freak...I was close to crying that day. I would have retaken the tour through MATC over what I had gone through a few days ago. It's not all fun and games...the Middle School may have though so...of course the idiots couldn't do it near the end of the day since the reason THEY did it was to get out of school early *eye roll* it's not's scary. Especially since this is the age of knowledge. You could look up how to make a highly explosive bomb on the internet and it would tell you exactly how to construct it and how to set it off. I've never actually looked it up, but the internet has everything...look up your name as a website...I bet it's there. Take things almost have to be on the defensive every day now-a-days. My thinks I think the threats are jokes...I was scared out of my mind today at school. It's not fun...if you know something like that is happening at your school...don't just sit there and do it you might save some lives. That's all I have for now. ttul


P.S. my computer's fixed! I just lost everything, but other than that i don't have to use the librarys computers anymore!

Saturday, March 21, 2009 computer blew up I would have been blogging earlier this month computer died. Yup no idea how but it did. Well okay technically it didn't blow up, Arial and I took it into the computer shop so it could get updated. And updated it is becoming, considering we took it in on Thursday and we won't get it back until monday. Which you might be wondering how I'm blogging. Well I'm not at Arial's house...I'm at the library. Oh yeah and Facklamb is sitting not but four feet away from me on another computer looking at her she doesn't have a facebook. her brother is at this one lego club thingie that's going on up stairs...yeah so...i don't have much else to report...except for that we almost lost everything on the computer...that includes my story. At least i don't think we lost it...yet. Thankfully i printed it out...all two hundered pages...except there's one problem. West has it and won't give it back XP she's being a jerk and I can't get a hold of her at the moment. So if I lose all of the story i'm gonna be P.O'd...well I'm gonna go now...gotta check all my other stuff (fun fun) ttul!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Skiing & A Little News For Arial yesturday for gym class I went skiing with Peacock and West. Let me just say it's fun as long as your not doing the splits or skidding on your face about twenty feet down the hill. Other then that yeah...much fun. Today I could barely get out of bed...of course I was the smart one that didn't take a hot shower when I got home yesterday...and I have yet to do that. I just wanted to get this post out of the way. Cause ow *winces* okay we're good.
Now for the second point...Arial my mom and I were talking we always do...that's besides the point. So she's talking to me and she's all like Manager Dude (A.K.A. Weasel) sent me the sceduale today. And I'm just sitting there nodding my head...I don't really pay attention to the next few things she says...the word that really caught my attention was fired. I'm all like what? and mom's just like yeah Weasel was fired this morning because the board didn't think he was doing a good enough job. And yes Arial I know how you feel about him, but I feel kinda bad for him cause the board isn't being fair. They never gave him a chance to do anything to improve the place. But anyways...yeah he's gone...oh and there's a new president for the board...I'll tell you who that is when I call you. But anyways...I feel like putting a song on here hopefully it'll work *crosses fingers* I just think it's a catchy toon...and it's off of the new cd I got over the weekend....and no Arial it's not Flyleaf...I got two cd's over the weekend. The song I'm gonna try to put on here is called The Soldier's Song by Demon Hunter. Well I'm gonna go...need to take a warm shower cause during every class I had today I kept on stiffeining up and it wasn't a lot of fun. Oh yeah and West's dad decided to come over and teach me how to ski...that would be when I skidded down the slope...on my face. I counted I have six bruises in one sucks. The biggest one's like two inches across. I'm amazed I even went down as much as I did (I'm talking about the hill not falling) Well I did fall alot too but w/e. Well then I'm gonna call Arial as soon as my computer let's me click stuff. Which should be soon...hopefully. Oh I cracked my neck! Yes I've been trying to do that all day!

Oh and come over tomorrow and I can promise at least ONE cheesecake...I've um kinda been eating them for breakfast to take with my pills. But I promise there's five left today there will be at least one left tomorrow. I'll make sure "dad" doesn't eat yours like he did that sugar cookie...which was kinda funny cause I had just gotten done telling him not to eat the big one. He went over to the table and picks one up and I turn around I'm like is that Arial's cookie? and he's just like I flipped was pretty funny cause I'm just like I promised Arial that cookie how could you eat it? She had faith in you not to eat that cookie and here you went and ate it anyways! like I said quite funny cause Arial came over and I'm like "dad" ate your cookie. and she's all like no dad! you didn't! and he's all like um...yeah I did. Very funny especially when you're on the sidelines...well my computers being stupid so you'll have to look the song up on the internet oh and while ya'll are doing that you should look up The Tide Began To Rise by Demon Hunter's very pretty...I'm gonna give it to you Arial when I get my chip back. Mom has it right now so...well ttul


Saturday, February 21, 2009

sledding i went sledding today and i so totally think Arial should have been there. It was painful and i'm having trouble typing so this is extremely interesting. Okay so I was sledding with Little Girl (my sister), Bookworm, his little sister, and West. I went to jump on the tube to beat West's farthest distance and I kinda jumped over the tube doing a faceplant in the snow...funny thing is is that West did the exact same thing ten minutes later when she went to beat my distance. I ended up winning! I almost went into the fence! Yeah, well I think I landed on my wrist one of the times I fell off the i'm gonna end this here and try and get my sisters stupid game to work...our computer is being the slowest computer in the world right now! so it's extremely it would work on Arial's computer...not that she would like's a horse riding one...actually i don't know if she'd like it or not but w/e...i'm done...ttul!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blue and Purple...

Blue and Purple = BRUSIES! I'm sooo bruised up from broom didn't help that my wrist was hurting prior to playing. Ugh! I fell six times! The first time landing on my hurt was painful. But I guess it's not as bad as West...she kinda ran into the wall of the ice rink. Of course she took Bartlett with her...he he he it was sooo funny! Of course I took West down too, but that's besides the point.
Sooo bored...I'm listening to Arial's playlist right's on my I-Pod. I would sink it to the computer since I' here but I really don't want my downloads to take any longer then they all ready are. Yeah...see the only reason Arial's songs are on my I-Pod in the first place was because her I-Pod wasn't working and we had to work later that night. I told her she could put her songs on mine then we could listen to the music that we both like...cause lets face it she HATES my music! But's been close to a week and I STILL havn't synced my I-Pod to the computer...that's kinda sad. Well-he he Josh just hit the wrong note-okay that's BESIDES the point, Yeah! Misery Business! Okay...enough of that, what was I saying...oh yeah. Well it's kinda sad for me because well...I kinda like Arial's songs a wee bit more then mine. But then again...I really want to listen to MY music...but then I'd LOSE all of the music on my I-Pod...damn dog ate my chip. I had a one gig chip that Arial and I were using to give each other music and my dog ate it! Grrr! And that had one of the Paramore CDs on it. Well i'm gonna pout elsewhere! Ttul!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Feel The Burn

Imagine...sledding down a two story hill at close to 20 miles an hour. You suddenly come to a HUGE pile of snow...but that's only a ninty degree turn that you have to encounter before you start getting pelted by snowballs. If you don't make it...well, someone's just gonna sled over you.
That's what I went through a few minutes ago...I may have only went down the hill three myself. but that's besides the point. I gave up on Bookworm cause we would only get five feet then go off the track. So I got down the hill...but I flew (I mean that literally) off the track and landed like five feet away along with my sled about ten feet away from me. That ramp was high! Geesh! Now my wrist hurts more then ever. Oh and my mom had told me to wear my snow pants...I so didn't. I'm now sopping wet and mom's not home! I should probably right back.
Okay back...Yeah so...kinda should do my homework, but I really don't feel like it. Too bad it's due Monday...this sucks. He he he on a brighter note Arial's gonna do my hair for prom! I'm gonna post pictures once it's done. I can't wait! Oh and says you can only come over "one" day for spring break *wink wink* she'll be at work...who's gonna tell? He he he...we can be sooo evil. Oh and I want that insert when you're done writing it...Oh and Bookworm told me how to say that one thing in's on my ttul


Monday, February 2, 2009


Whoo Hoo! Secrets! I actually forgot how I was gonna start this one...think think think...oh I remember...I was gonna tell you a secret that Arial might kill me for. Well no matter THAT WAS WHAT SHE WAS WRITING ABOUT ANYWAYS! I had to do a little bit of math cause I just read the insert today...I am not ashamed of saying that I am now OFFICIALLY scared. She's like sooo plotting behind my back. I'm prolly not gonna trust her with sharp objects for a while...for my well being.
Okay secret number too that idk if I should be sharing or not but I'm kinda annoyed right now with it so I'm gonna say it anyways cause nobody reads this blog anyways so... here goes. I'm kinda mad cause my mom made me go to a dermatologyst (a person that deals with skin and acne and yeah stuff like that) so anyways that's not the point. I'm just kinda mad cause my entire familys getting on me and how I have a zit problem. Of course everytime they bring it up they're just like arn't you being ridiculed in school? arn't you being teased? and I'm just like ah no. Cause like nobody ever pays attention to me at school so why would I be being made fun of? Idk so my mom took me to the "skin doctor" and had him check it out. It was kinda interesting...found out I have a genetic disease on my back. I don't remember what it's called but it starts with a C and I think it's latin for DRY ITCHY BACK! Okay I'm done with my outburst. Anyways NONE of that was the point! The point was now I'm stuck on a freakin' medication that if I don't eat before I take it I'll get heart burn. I also have to put stuff on my face in the shower and before I go to freakin' sucks! Nobody wants to have zit problem cause then everyone gets on them about it.
Well I'm actually surprised that I'm actually going along with it...for now. Well I guess I'm gonna keep it up til after prom...I know Arial you hate it when I bring it up but brings up a point I've been meaning to ask you but now I'm not sure about it anymore. Cause might be holding something sharp. I'm just wondering if you'd do my hair before'd be AWESOME if you did. Think on it...I'm gonna go and finish downloading Ermits CDs...I'm almost done...three more to go! Woot! Woot! Okay...ttul


Saturday, January 31, 2009

well well well

I just got my electric guitar (well yesterday I got my electric guitar) so you think I'd be in a good mood but for some odd reason I'm not but if I was ever in a good mood when I decided to write a blog I'd be super surprised. I really do need to go write the part in OUR book that I need to write. and I should prolly go write in MY book before it drives me insane but I realized that this is the last day of January and I hadn't posted anything yet so here we go with updates and other such things...

Happy 2009! I know it's late but I've been busy...and sick...neither of which should be surprising...

Could you remind me of a time when we were so alive?

My band has had 2 practices so far (both actually occurred this week) and we sound pretty good for never playing together before. We're playing decode by paramore for the revue and I'm pretty sure I said that last time but I don't feel like checking on that so I'm not going to. either way, now that I have my guitar, I can stop using my friend's guitar (she doesn't play but likes to think she does and if she reads this will prolly cut my fingers off so I can't say any other crap about her on here but for now I don't care) She is our singer so we kinda need her...for now...muahahahaha...anyways, our last practice was sooo funny because I actually got there late (I was sick...surprise surprise) and the first time we played it through, on the last note, our drummer hit the note and then fell backwards into the wall. I burst out laughing (especially after he looked around hoping no one noticed...which I was the only one who did) and then when I told everyone what happened, he glared at me but laughed at himself anyways. I said that he should be more careful because there won't be a wall behind him to save him at the revue. Then he declared that if he fell at the talent show, we all had to fall down too so it would look choreographed. My friend who was there listening to us, asked how we would know and he said, "Oh you'll know when you here the drums crashing around when the song is supposed to be over"...we all laughed. anyways, the point of this is, I'm in a band and we're actually pretty good...seeing that I'm getting over my fear of playing in front of people and our bass player said that I should drink an overly large amount of coffee so that I'll be hyper and will jump around on stage looking like an idiot (this was after our rhythm guitarist was schooling us in the 'way of looking like idiots" because apparently that is how to get the crowd involved....I get it but it still makes me laugh) well obviously our bassist hasn't seen me with caffeine..there is a VERY good reason that I don't drink soda pop anymore...

Do you remember that?

Finals...well they sucked but I didn't fail any classes (I thought I would because I was sick from school so much) as far as I know...we haven't gotten our grades yet and I'm still making stuff up for Chem 3. oh well, they sucked and that's enough of that...

Do you remember that?

New semester = New schedule...I have pop lit first hour with a bunch of idiots...and a lot of them I hate but I'll have to deal with it. My friend's step dad teaches the class and he knows me since I always go to their house and sit on their kitchen floor (long story but summary is I like floors that aren't carpeted..they aren't scratchy and their cold...I like cold) he makes fun of me and uses me as an example but I really couldn't care less because he's cool. I just wish I had someone else in my class...

Could you help me push aside all that I have left behind?

and I just went on messenger but Falcon isn't on and I don't want to deal with anyone so I signed off before someone realized I was on...gosh darn you falcon...making life difficult again...haha j/k but I just went and looked at my last post as well and I guess I did talk about the band but w/e I also told a story so there is something new there...

Do you remember that?

So there is this concert in may and I want to go REALLY REALLY bad but mom and dad haven't decided if I can go yet because there wouldn't be an adult this time (last time it was 2 of my friends and the one's mom. not like her mom went to the concert with us but not like my parents see a difference... well the 5 bands are all really good and I like them. actually the song of the day is actually prolly going to be songs of the day and end up being a song by each band: Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, All Time Low, Metro Station (I finally remembered it Falcon and I don't know I forgot since I listen to them all the time and I'm actually listening to them as I write...ok well it JUST ended but you get my point), and Hey Monday. A great line up no? yes it is. just nod your head and agree with me. My last concert (which was my first and only one I've ever gone to was Boys Like Girls, All Time Low, The Audition, and Valencia (or something like that, we didn't know they were going to be there until we got there). I only knew Boys Like Girls and they aren't/weren't any where near my favorite band but they asked if I wanted to go so I said sure. but All Time Low, who played write before them, blew them away!!! they are overly amazing. I loved them and my friend ended up buying their cd while we were there (she knew some of the songs before the concert but they were just amazing so she bought the cd) and we listened to it on our way home and when Six Feet Under The Stars came on, I was like, "Who the heck are we listening to?!?!?!" my friends asked why and I said this song kinda sucks...they said it was my favorite song from the concert and I thought they were joking around....they were serious but oh man, they are sooooooooo much better in concert which I realize is backwards of what it is normally like but I've wanted to see them in concert again since then because they sound so much better ummm well that was a long paragraph...I'll stop with this then...

Do you remember that?

well I said I'd stop but I only meant that topic. hehe. wow Paramore (whose lyrics are in the blog because I couldn't decide which song of the day to use and the lyrics I chose are actually pretty meaningful, as are most of their lyrics, but I really like this song cause the guitarist sings this part and his voice is really good. I've been kinda in love with him ^_^ I can't help it. He's just an amazing guitarist and I want to get better so yeah) just started playing. I'm pretty happy because well their music makes me happy (as happy as I can get anyways which actually isn't all that don't want to know) wow I was singing to the song and all of a sudden my dad said "Has anyone ever told you that you have a pretty voice?" wow my dad is usually picking on me (little things that don't matter but he's NEVER sweet like that) either way ummm yeah so now I have this jittery feeling for some unknown reason. well I'm trying to think if there is anything else to say...hmmmm thinkingthinkingthinking....nope don't think so. I'll catch all you peeps later then!!!!! Much Love - Peace Out

Songs of the Day:
You're Crashing, But You're No Wave - Fall Out Boy
Guilty Pleasure - Cobra Starship
Holly (Would You Turn Me On?) - All Time Low
Kelsey - Metro Station
Homecoming - Hey Monday


Wednesday, January 28, 2009 I survived we all survived exams. Doesn't mean we'll survive this semester. What with Peacock in West and my gym class...yikes! He's so gonna try and make me run a six min. mile! I sooo can't do that. I sooo should be doing my homework, but I don't feel like it. I so got out of going to church again. That can be a good thing, but I think mom's getting annoyed with me skipping so much...I'll have to go sooner or later I guess. I just don't want to go when they're talking about being Christian while dating and how you shouldn't expirement or anything. It's just kinda awkward when the "sex talk" isn't coming from your parents. Well...on a different note. West and I have been getting bored lately so we've been throwing ideas around for the second book. I want to tell someone about them, but I'd prolly get killed., um...I should prolly go. I need to get my homework done. So ttul!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Exams Week!

Who's excited for exams?! I'm definantly not! Ow Ow mom just yelled up the stairs and it was very loud. I'm working on the homework that I should have started four days ago. Oops my bad! oh shoot that was Arials' line...oh well. since schools been out for a while Arial and West and I have been hanging out...except it hasn't all been at the same time...Arial normally shows up about an hour after West leaves...makes no sense. But oh well...If someone can get me colored pictures of a ramshackle camp that'd be awesome! Yeah...American much fun. Although I guess I shouldn't be complaing...Arial's in the AP American Heritage. Smooth move Arial! Okay...I'm done now...yea! Paramore! Okay...well I'm gonna try and finish this project that's due tomorrow. Call me smart...ttul!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Happy New Year!

I know technically today is not New Year's day but...who cares! I wasn't able to get on that have a feeling Arial wasn't either considering she didn't post anything. Actually I talked to her and she had said that she WAS on but she didn't feel like posting anything so she didn't. Kinda obvious, but anyways...this is me wishing all of you a Happy New Year...stick to your resoultions, unlike me who has already broken mine...dang chocolate. Okay but anyways...Arial's back in school after having missed all of December for school. She is sooo truent...maybe not. She has to talk to the vice principle now but anywho...why am I listening to Linkin Park?! Ah who cares? I need to write...I got the new Twilight soundtrack. Love the songs! I really hope we can finish proofing can I go on any more tangents?'s not that hard for me...or Arial since we're on the subject. He he for Christmas Aril got me a bag of mints and a necklace with a wing on it. She said that when she saw the necklace she thought of me cause I always sign my notes with a wing after my name...maybe I can figure out how to do that on the computer...that'd be pretty sweet. Okay well I kinda need to do my was kinda due today but that's besides the stunt doubles. Okay I really need to do my homework now...ttul!
